It started one rainy day in Tigard

I was keeping (sort of ) a journal for the past two years, just about things my kids have been doing, but I just write so slow. I hope my kids can look back on this with fond memories.

This is a blog about myself, Tanya and Jonathan, Nathaniel (almost five), Benjamin (2.5 years) and Grace (10 months) and the path we take as a family.

The family at Lake Tahoe

The family at Lake Tahoe
Nathaniel is just hiding

Friday, January 8, 2010

New awakenings

Well it has happened. Benjamin, our great sleeper has officially become one of "those" babies. So, either he is just a two-year-old or is now having a hard time sleeping because he is afraid of the smoke alarm.... that went off on Christmas because we forgot to clean the oven before the rib roast went in it. And when the smoke alarm went off the first and second time he and Grace slept through it, even though it went off in THEIR ROOMS. What is up with that? Sleeping through a smoke alarm that is going off in your room? I wish I slept that good.

So, for a week he has either woken early or woken in the middle of the night. We have talked about only going in once, and not bringing him into our bed. We have done both. But with that we have slept and so has his brother that sleeps in the same room as him.

And now every beep that goes off - fridge, dryer, dishwasher, etc. and his brother making that noise to scare him, scares him and sends him directly to my lap, arms, whatever works for him. I love the cuddles, but.....

Nathaniel seems to have turned a corner. Let's see - I can reason with him better, talk with him like he is somewhat an adult, he is sleeping soooo much better and I am enjoying most of my time with him. Just in time for him to start real school... well in September. But that seems like moments away.

Jonathan got a new car yesterday!!!! And we will find out if he sold his car tonight. A couple is driving down from Seattle to buy it. Yeah! He is loving his 2007 BMW 530 xi. Yeah Jo! Just in time for his 40th.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that B is still having trouble. Tell me there will be a day when we aren't judging the quality of our days (life) based on sleeping habits of our children the night before!! Wishing you some sleep tonight!
