It started one rainy day in Tigard

I was keeping (sort of ) a journal for the past two years, just about things my kids have been doing, but I just write so slow. I hope my kids can look back on this with fond memories.

This is a blog about myself, Tanya and Jonathan, Nathaniel (almost five), Benjamin (2.5 years) and Grace (10 months) and the path we take as a family.

The family at Lake Tahoe

The family at Lake Tahoe
Nathaniel is just hiding

Monday, December 21, 2009

Philippian's Song

At church yesterday Pastor Gene led us through Philippians 2 and why God had Jesus come to us on earth as a man, in likeness, but not a man. He put forth that this is the reason for the season. It was such a different message from the traditional message, that I was awestruck that he found something new to tell the congregation.

We had another home run with the kids yesterday. All three went into their classrooms and Jonathan and I got to sit through the service without them. It was such a gift to us.

The boys went to Portland International Raceway with my parents last night for the Christmas light show. They loved it and got taken out to dinner afterward. Jonathan and I stayed home with Grace. It was so weird, the house felt empty and we wondered what was all the fuss about having just one kid when we had Nathaniel. Oh, yeah, the first one eats you alive....

Nathaniel, with the help of Shanika (our awesome nanny) made a donkey for in-the-tail on the donkey for our NYE party.

Grace is down to three nursings a day, with one bottle thrown in here or there. Yeah Grace!

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